Some people -- some wonderfully blessed people -- are full of good ideas.
They're the first person you go to when spitballing for an event, when trying
to come up with a good essay hook, when you have no idea what to buy for
your new closet. My sister is one of these people (when she's in a good mood).
I, however, am not really one of these lucky few. I am so
much better at
adapting existing ideas than I am creating new ones. (This,
I think, is my main
failing when trying to finish a story.)
When it comes to blogging, this problem of mine is why I
don't post as often as
I'd like. I would love to be the kind of blogger whose every
post isn't about
why she sucks at blogging, but that appears to be what I'm
doing. I try to come
up with clever little stories, but they usually end up
falling flat. I've tried
imitating the other bloggers I follow, but that format
obviously isn't working
for me. I have to figure out my own way of blogging, but it needs to be a
way that doesn't just
consist of a post every three weeks labelled with the tag
"why I sometimes suck
at blogging".
I had this weird learning curve when I joined twitter last
year, too. For a
while, I tried overly hard to be witty and retweetable. That
made being on
twitter not too much fun. (Also, it meant I didn't have a lot of followers or people who would talk to me.) When I stopped trying to be
Maureen Johnson, and just
started being me, twitter became more fun for me. It also
meant I started
posting a lot... Which, depending on who you ask, may not be
a good thing. But
more posts here WOULD be a good thing, right?
Let's hope.
ETA: Sorry for the wonky formatting. Not sure why that happened...?
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